Nicole's adventurous personality comes out when she is doing hair. She loves being creative with her hair colours especially balayage, mens' cut, and styling. She is very inspired from what's new and hip in fashion and applies these to her guests in her chair. Another thing that inspires her very much is seeing her guests' reactions everytime she shows them the "new" them! She definitely can't wait for her career to blossom as she shares with her guests her ideas from simple new styling techniques, to keeping their hair trendy, to big dramatic cut and cut and color changes.
Recent Education
AVEDA Hair Styling Master Class with Allen Ruiz 2019
AVEDA Hair Styling Foundations 2 with Kristjan Hayden 2019
AVEDA Hair Styling Foundations 1 with Kristjan Hayden 2019
AVEDA Hair Cutting Master Class with Geno Chapman 2019
AVEDA Hair Cutting Foundations with Morgan Roy 2 2019
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